You play as a tank, trying to get these cubes off of your plateau. One may ask, "Can a cylinder really be considered a plateau?", to which another could respond, "Of course it can, I'm not just trying to come up with an alliterative title!", to which the first one could respond "That's oddly specific, and I kind of think that you did do that now that I think about it.", to which the other could respond by a swift slap to the face, promptly ending the discussion. Unfortunately, a magnet is hovering around your plateau, and pulling all of your bullets in its direction, and out of your control. Position yourself around the plateau to shoot the growing cubes and knock them off of your plateau. Don't let them get too big, or they'll explode. One could say that you need to keep them under control. One could also say that that's a bit of a stretch, prompting another quick skirmish. Apologies for the lack of a tutorial, but WASD moves the tank, clicking will fire the bullets, and pressing R should restart it. I haven't deployed to WebGL, before, so some elements might not work.

This game was made as a submission for the 2020 GMTK GameJam, based on the theme of "Out of Control".

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